As the holidays beckon, I have been thinking about practitioner
enquiry and how to support teacher to develop an ‘enquiry of stance’ mindset. I
have sources research articles and a few books to help delve deeper into practitioner
enquiry and improve my understanding. I am interested in the history of
practitioner enquiry i.e. where and when did this concept emerge? I am also wondering
about the costs and benefits of practitioner enquiry. Having undertaken
research in my own classroom I know that it can have a massive impact on both the
teachers learning and pupils learning, but how do we support and promote this professional
learning activity with teachers? Here are some thought on practitioner enquiry
as I continue to critically think through how GTCS can support teachers as part
of professional learning in practitioner enquiry.
purpose of any professional leaning activity should be related to increasing
skills, knowledge or practice of the teachers but must also be linked to
improved outcomes for learners. Practitioner enquiry should lead to deep
transformative learning which significantly informs and influences
professionals’ understanding, practice and impact on pupil experiences.
Practitioner enquiry is a key aspect in the
professional learning of a teacher in Scotland and is embedded in the
Standards. The Recent BERA study (2014 p6) discusses the need for teachers to
be “equipped to engage in enquiry oriented practice” and have the “capacity,
motivation, confidence and opportunity to do so”. By engaging in practitioner
enquiry Brookfield feels this empowers teacher as “we become much less willing
to give away our histories” (1995 p187) and take responsibility and pride of
our own professional learning. When teachers become engage in practitioner
enquiry and engage with research literature they benefit by becoming more
confident in their own practice.
GTCS support practitioner access literature
via an investment in EBSCO Educational Resource. EBSCO is an on-line resource
providing registrants with access to a collection of over 1,700 journals, a
selection of eBooks, and additional research resources in the field of
education and a range of ebooks. There is also a Research Engagement Group
(REG) which has been set up to help support, promote and facilitate critical
engagement with research, as we know that teachers are 'research rich but time
poor' and therefore appropriate resources to support engagement is critical. We
are also in the processes of setting up a Teacher Network group to support the
work of the REG.
Practitioner enquiry
is given many names in literature, Cochran-Smith and Lytle (2009 p39) use the
term practitioner inquiry as “a conceptual and linguistic umbrella term” for
action research, participatory research, teacher research, self-study, the
scholarship teacher and using practice as site for research. Although each enquiry
method has their own important differences all have similar underlying
principles as Cochran-Smith and Lytle put it they “share as sense of the
practitioner knower and agent for educational and social change”.
Cochran-Smith and
Lytle coined the term ‘inquiry as stance’ in the late 1990’s and have expanded
on its meaning between then and now. ‘Inquiry as stance’, “positions the role
of practitioner and practitioner knowledge as central to the goal of
transforming teaching, learning, leading and schooling” (p119). The ‘inquiry’
part relates to engaging with research and questioning practice to develop a
“critical habit of mind” (p120) while the ‘as stance’, “capture[s] the ways we
stand, the ways we see and lenses we see through” (p120).
As defined by Menter et al (2011), practitioner enquiry is a
‘finding out’ or an investigation with a rationale and approach that can be
explained or defended and then the findings shared so it becomes more than
reflection or personal enquiry. Practitioner enquiry is usually undertaken within
the practitioners own practice or in collaboration with others. Evaluation and
reflective teaching are deeply bound into practitioner enquiry and within
collaborative enquiry the group shares a common research question which can
then be ‘investigated’ through different lenses to enhance knowledge creation
and dissemination within the group and beyond.
teachers, regular engagement in practitioner enquiry supports professional
growth by challenging or ‘disrupting thinking’ and ‘ingrained habits of mind’.
Practitioner enquiry helps to create a space to stop and look again at existing
ways of working. It is argued by McLaughlin et al (2004) that teachers who
engage in research have ‘better understanding of their practice and ways to
improve it’. For some teachers, enquiry may promote levels of critical
reflection that are ‘transformative’. However, transformative learning can only occur when
individuals have the opportunity and skills to really question and consider
their underpinning beliefs, assumptions, values and practices. This goes beyond
developing content knowledge and requires a criticality and questioning
approach and as such the process of transformative learning can be challenging
and 'uncomfortable'.
The gains from transformative
learning however, could be that it can lead to meaningful changes in practice
which impact positively on pupil learning.
research can play a major part in making change more systemic and indeed
sustainable as practitioners become agents of their own professional learning.
Systematic enquiry helps teachers to “‘let go’, unlearn, innovate and re-skill
in cycles of professional learning throughout their career in response to
changing circumstances” Menter et al (2011 p19).
enquiry allow teachers the space to engage with research and create their own
knowledge which is very pertinent to their students in their situation. Even
more powerful yet is being part of an enquiring community, where all data and
evidence is given consideration and the reliance on test scores and ‘what
works’ is are included but critically reviewed to establish the best path for
the establishment at that time to support student learning. When a community
becomes an enquiring community it opens up the possibility to challenge
assumptions, to articulate values, to make their practice problematic and to
form partnerships with academics to engage in theory and research to further
enhance the life chances of their students.
(2002 p15) discussed what students need to be ‘good learners’ which is;
“Being a good real-life learners means knowing what is
worth learning, what you are good (and not so good ) at learning, who can help,
how to face confusion without getting upset, and what the best learning tool is
for the job at hand”
same can be said for any learner, teachers who engage in practitioner enquiry
will find themselves in the position of a learner and will have to as Claxton (2002)
discusses have to have a strategic overview of their learning, plan and
organise their learning, be flexible, make meaning of their learning, have
self-knowledge and self-awareness and be effective at revising strategies. All
of this takes time and need multiple opportunities to gain maximum learning but
small incremental changes in practice, akin to marginal gains theory
(, should be supported, recognised
and celebrated.
S.D. (1995) Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher, San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
G. (2002) Building Learning Power. Bristol:
TLO Limited
and Lytle (2009) Inquiry as a Stance: Practitioner Research for the Next
Generation Teacher College Press, New York
I Elliott, D Hulme, M. Lewin, J Lowden K. (2011) A Guide to Practitioner
research in Education. SAGE publishing