Data literacy is the ability to derive meaningful information from data. Originally this was viewed as
numerical and statistical data interpretation with an understanding the
reliability of data to draw conclusion. This definition has been expanded to
include the ability to ask and answer questions using data as part of evidence
based thinking. This evidence based approach uses the most appropriate data,
and interprets it to develop and evaluate data based inferences and
explanations to solve real problems and communicate findings. The data
collected could be both qualitative or quantitative in nature and can be
derived from big data set through to classroom observations and professional
I have also recently
read a few books on data literacy and am still working through the implications
for teacher learning in generating, analysing and making evidence based
improvements and how this ties with the aspiration for an ‘enquiring profession’
first discussed in Teaching Scotland’s Future, here.
is data?
are rich with data and can take many forms. There are obvious forms of data
such as attainment data but we need to look beyond this and uncover other sources
of data that already exist. Discussing and using different forms of data
dispels the myth that data can only be obtained through assessment. For
example, other forms of data may include;
observation notes
exit tickers
What do we need to be data literate?
provides the opportunity to inform our practice (evidence based practice) but
data must be interpreted to inform our next steps before it has any power to
inform. Teachers and schools need to create the time to develop conversations
around rich data to support improvement. School leaders need to champion the
use of rich data not just numerical/attainment data to build and support a culture
where it is the norm to discuss evidence based practice. Leaders need to
publically commit to using data so it becomes a priority and will pervade the
culture and ethos of the school.
Create a data inventory – what data
do we already have?
leaders and teachers could create an inventory to collect together all of the
possible sources of data that already exist in school. Schools are data rich,
we now need to move this to become data enriched (accessing and using the data).
A possible data inventory may look like to one below.
Data source
Dates of learning observations
Year group observed
Where is this information stored/collated
How do we use this data?
How can we use this data better? What else
can it be used to inform/improve?
can help to pull together an assessment calendar which will help both teachers
and pupils to manage their workload, and can also identify where time and space
can be created to talk about data.
also need to develop skills in interacting with, using data and drawing inferences
and conclusions. Sometimes data is presented in ways that prevents teachers
from accessing the information, leaders therefore have a role to play in finding
sensible ways to redisplay the data to help the underlying narrative and themes
become apparent.
may be helpful to have a list of specific questions in mind as you examine the
data, for example;
there any trends? For groups of pupils? Over time?
you interested in a subset of pupils only? Do you want to compare across
cohorts? Subjects?
you want to analyses individual progress? Group progress? Cohort progress?
you want to focus on high attainers? Low attainers? Off target pupils?
you want to focus in across department comparisons/ in school comparisons?
Using insights data?
the data is in an appropriate format it helps to stimulate conversations and
interrogation of the data, which leads to further questions such as;
questions does this raise?
are we going to address these?
Embedding data in collaborative
practice is essential. A collaborative enquiry cycle can support teacher to
enquiry into their practice and help develop of an enquiring mindset. Teachers can
to generate data and make inferences through professional noticing. To make this
more powerful it can be done by asking questions before inferences are drawn,
e.g. what did you see? (with no interpretation). This can lead to better
conversations about pupils’ learning as the focus is on fact and not
interpretation of fact. If it is framed as a learner-centred problem, i.e. this
is what I saw, the problem can be about the learning and not the learners and
can give a question to start an enquiry. This questioning can start with ‘as
teachers, we….’, this keeps the focus on the learning and brings buy-in from teachers.
Undertaking an enquiry with a determined focus is both an end and a means. It is
easy to get consensus around a focus that does not require teachers to make a
change to their practice, so the more teachers are involved in selecting the focus,
the more committed they will be in implementing the change. The collective
success of the enquiry and how any changes are implemented based on the
evidence of the enquiry, will depend on the synergy and trust of the teachers
and leaders involved.
an enquiry, increases clarity and transparency as leaders and teachers can
collaboratively think and work through the enquiry cycle. The enquiry should
start with an agreed focus. How you are changing? is a better question than
what are you changing? At the start of the enquiry, it is also important to
think about and agree how this will be addressed in the classroom, what will it
look like? what will it sound like? what will it feel like? Putting this into
writing with deliverables, timescales and the evidence to be collected sharpens
the focus of the enquiry. Next you have to get creative about what resources
you are going to use and how these are to be shared. This will require
everybody to bring something to the table whether that is literature or a
strategy or interesting practice. The next stage of the enquiry planning is to
decide how the data will be evaluated with appropriate timescale and
milestones, it is important to include a student voice at this stage so that
this done with students and not to students.
Now that the planning phase
is completed with some underpinning from literature, it is time to collect
the data
Once data has been
collected it can then be analysed to draw conclusions and inform next steps. This
is powerful if leaders and teachers can work together to interrogate both the
data and their own findings. It can be helpful to employ a coaching approach
and use questions that support deep reflection such as:
led you to conclude…?
am hearing you say…is that correct?
wondering what you mean by…?
So when feeding back to
the collaborative group, these questions are asked to clarify and distil the
findings to produce informed decisions about the data. The conclusions should
be supported by the evidence, again a coaching approach can help support this
process, for example, possible sentence starters for the reporter could be;
noticed that…
saw evidence of…
a living document that can capture these reflections and can be added to over
time, generating a virtuous cycle of continuous improvement. This improvement
cycle using an evidence based approach can inform school improvement planning.
the enquiry cycle, teachers should also interrogate the changes to their
thinking and practice and note this in the professional learning log, so that
their learning is not assumed or lost in the change cycle, but is also
reflected upon and can be used to inform their next steps in their teachers’
collecting and analysing data is important to inform school improvement,
teacher learning and the life chances of pupils, but the real power of data is
not that it provides answers but that it inspires teachers to ask questions.