At the third attempt, I managed to
secure a place and attend the ‘Leadership for Resilience – Putting ACE’s
awareness into action’ in Kelty this weekend. This event like many similar
events across Scotland, more information here, was hosted by Suzanne Zeedyk
(@suzannezeedyk) and David Cameron (@realdcameron). The morning started with a
hushed hall full of trepidation as Suzanne invited us to consider the effect of
over stimulation of ‘fight or flight’ responses and the resultant constant
yo-yoing of cortisol levels in our blood streams.
The event, in two parts, this
first of which was to watch ‘Resilience – the biology of stress and the science
of hope’, this was followed with a discussion about the impact of the film, personal
storytelling and contributions.
The film made by James Redford
carries the tag line ‘the child may not remember, but the body remembers’ and
outlines that “toxic stress can trigger hormones that wreak havoc on
the brains and bodies of children, putting them at a greater risk for disease,
homelessness, prison time, and early death” as it demonstrates how altered
responses to stress can lead to physical changes in the way the brain develops.
These claims are
backed up by a report published in 2016 entitled “‘Polishing the Diamonds' - Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences in
Scotland”, here,
which discusses how adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s) can effect children’s
life-long well-being. The report outlines the categories of ACE’s as: emotional, physical or sexual abuse; emotional or physical neglect;
domestic abuse; substance misuse; mental ill health; criminality; separation or
living in care.
The report states that “Individuals
who have experienced four or more ACE’s are;
Almost 4 times more likely to smoke
Almost 4 times more likely to drink heavily
Almost 9 times more likely to experience incarceration
Almost 3 times more likely to be morbidly obese.”
If these statistics are not
startling enough, those who have experienced more than 4 ACE’s are also at
greater risk of poor educational and employment outcomes, low mental well-being
and life satisfaction and recent violent involvement or inpatient hospital
care, chronic health conditions and having caused/been unintentionally pregnant
before the age of eighteen.
So how can we tackle ACE’s? In the
report (2016) “Bellis outlines how ACEs should be a consideration across the
life course with a focus on prevention, resilience and enquiry” and considering
family context, parental and family risk and household adversities.
So what does this mean for teachers, teachers learning and support
for teachers across Scotland?
GIRFEC, as a policy, should pervade all education in Scotland but
perhaps we have lost focus as other ’priorities’ have come to the fore and have
taken our attention away from GIRFEC or as David Cameron puts it “when did
GIRFEC stop being a policy and become a slogan”. In Scotland we may need to ask
tough questions about policy priorities. Does current policy express and
privilege the holistic child and the wrap around a child needs or does it
privilege attainment? This dichotomy of policy priority may miss the child who
is ‘human and wants to succeed’. The
drive for attainment can sometimes not see the obvious that “care is a strategy
for attainment” and attainment is supported by a caring learning environment
where children feel safe; safe to be, safe to fail and safe to continue to
learn. This is where PEF funding can be invaluable for schools, it can be spent
on resources and interventions that support better holistic HWB outcomes for all
children and avoid targeting, labelling and limiting children e.g. improve the
attainment of SIMD 2 children.
Teacher professionalism and the value of social justice in the
Professionals Standards means that teachers should take into consideration, and
action the ways adversity in childhood affects children receptiveness and
ability to learn on a daily basis. Within the current review of the Professional
Standards, do we need to go as far as the Professionals Standards in China
where ‘love’ and ‘care’ are mentioned explicitly?
As the basis of teaching is in
relationships, the breakdown of relationships cause ACE’s, relationships can
also be the solution for ACE’s. So, how do we as an education system support
teachers at all stages of their careers to build positive relationships with
children? For ITE, this would mean ensuring the selection procedures do not
solely rely on academic qualifications but also take into consideration
personal attributes and disposition. ITE institutions should support teachers
to develop their identity and skills in supporting children and seeing this
film may provide an excellent stimulus for discussion around these areas.
Teachers can make small changes to
their practice, for example, a quick ‘temperature check’ and ‘hello’ as
children arrive to class and using the child’s name “can change a child’s
Teachers and schools can also
change their perspective by changing the language they use in describing
children’s behaviours, one Fife primary school changed their language from
“challenging behaviour” to “distressed behaviour”. This changed their outlook on
managing and supporting their pupils by changing the conversation from
behaviours to the causes of the behaviours. This change in language could go
some way changing views on how we support vulnerable children before they
become damaged children.
Parents are the crucial third
partner in a child’s education. Supporting children but neglecting the family
rarely leads to long term change. Schools can make a difference but not all the difference, family involvement
and family learning are a key element in reducing ACE’s.
Finally we were asked to “In ONE
word, how has today left you feeling?” My word was curious. These preventions
to reduce ACE’s all seems so evident and fundamental to teaching, I am curious
to know why this is not taking place, not just in Scotland but all over the
world. Is it not obvious that all of our experiences shape us and influence our
choices and behaviours, so why are we just beginning to talk about this, in
these terms, now? Why only now are we being explicit? Our question to children
needs to change from “what’s wrong with you?” to “what’s happened to you?” to
support all children to be the best they can be.
P.S. Suzanne briefly flashed a
book by Carol Craig called “Hiding in Plain Sight” which asks the question “If
Scotland had an ACE’s score, what would it be?” so guess what has just been
added to my collection?