Last week the EIS launched a report entitled ‘Getting it right for Girls’.
This report shares findings about misogynistic attitudes in education and
offers advice on how we, as an education system, can address this.
Misogyny, defined as -dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women -
is influenced by factors such as the home environment, advertisement and the
media. We have only to look at the recent media coverage of the Olympics to see
misogyny in action, here.
It is also true that there is a disproportionately low level of participation
of women in public life and female politicians (and other prominent female
figures) are routinely subjected to sexist comments in the press and via other
media sources. I really liked to recent article in the Metro, here,
which discussed Teresa May’s husband in the terms that are usually reserved for
the female partner of a prominent male public figure. This piece perfectly highlights misogynistic
reporting by the media.
The Legal Context
Misogyny can vary from overt sexual bullying to casual sexual comments
or failing to conform to gender ‘norms’, which is often trivialised as humorous.
The 2010 Equality Act identifies gender as a protected characteristic and as such
schools and colleges are bound by the terms of the Public Sector Equality Duty,
part of the 2010 Equality Act to;
eliminate discrimination, harassment and
promote equality of opportunity
remove or minimise disadvantages to meet the
needs of the people from protected groups
encourage participation of protected groups
Misogyny should be challenged throughout the education system to modify
behaviour and attitudes.
Misogynistic attitudes and behaviour
There are many types of misogynistic behaviours and attitudes all of which
should be challenged. Some are developed in the home environment and through entrenched
views, some are societal prejudices which are allowed to perpetuate and some are
cultural. The following list in not exhaustive but gives some ideas of the daily
prejudices against women;
· Common use of misogynistic language such as
‘girly’ or overt sexualised and derogatory language
· Dismissive or contemptuous attitudes towards
· Objectification of women and the use of social
media to target sexual innuendo at females – which can be describes as bullying
· Mockery and derision when women or girls adopt
non stereotypical gender roles – this can leave the victim feeling rejected and
the psychological effect can be long lasting
· A double standard which criticises young girls
who are sexually active
· Physical violence is an extreme but commonplace
expression of misogynistic attitudes, such as;
Physical, sexual or psychological violence
Sexual harassment or intimidation
Commercial sexual exploitation
Dowry related violence
Female genital mutilation
Forced or child marriages
Honour crimes
Gender pay gap
The effect of misogynistic attitudes and behaviours can be a
significant hindrance to personal and social development. Statistically men are
commonly the perpetrators and women and children more commonly the victims. Allowing
the perpetration of dismissive, contemptuous attitudes towards women to go
unchallenged can contribute to the persistence of the associated gender pay gap. The
report shares a table of the percentage of male and female teachers in
different roles (p10), below.
It is very interesting that Secondary, all grades is 63:37 (female to
male) but secondary head teachers is the opposite proportion of 39:61 (female to
Changing attitudes and fostering community level intolerance and sanctions
towards such misogynistic behaviour are required and all education
establishments have a role to play in this.
Education establishments could;
· Create a whole school policy with very precise
language as to what is and is not acceptable
· Have a school mission statement which safe
guards against gender stereotyping
· Have zero tolerance to misogynistic language and
· Work with partners and support parents to tackle
misogynistic language and attitudes
· Considering how misogyny as gender stereotyping
may impact on student subject choice and take steps to address this
· Facilitate Equality and Diversity training for
teachers which is linked to the values heralded in the Professional Standards and
which underpins professionalism of teachers.
Misogyny has no place in the Scottish Education system or in society
and is an issue that needs to be addressed. Education is well placed to move this
agenda forward. I recommend this report to you and you can access the whole report here.
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