This week I have been
engaged in re-reading learning theories with the intention of underpinning my
thinking about professional learning to help me co-create a resource to support
teachers gather evidence of impact. This is where my thinking has got to so
Engaging with teacher
professionalism and teacher identity will require a commitment to professional
learning which will involve new learning or a revisiting of previous learning.
This involves teachers developing new knowledge, skills, abilities and
developing dispositions, while using literature to underpin their thinking.
Within learning for
teachers, we have to consider how adults learn and how to support this
learning. This raises questions about whether adult learning is different from
children’s learning, and as such, should be structured differently. Knowles in
his discussion of adult learning offers his principles of andragogy, which are
based on various assumptions and are contested. Hartees’ (1984) critique of Knowles
work discusses that adults are essentially self-directing, characterised by
their experiences, and have a readiness to learn through a problem solving
approach. This is added to by Mezirow’s (1997) research on adult learning,
which shows that for adults to experience transformative learning, they must
experience something different from children’s learning and become critically
reflective of their own and others practice.
This begs the question of
national bodies such as GTCS as to how can they support adult learning that is
required to move the teaching profession to a research enriched profession? The
answer will involve providing teachers with a range of opportunities in a
variety of formats that offer rich, creative learning experiences that lead to
mastery, which also challenges dispositional stances. This has to be
accompanied by effective leadership that promotes teacher agency and can be
defined as “the capacity of teachers to act purposefully and constructively to
direct their professional growth and contribute to the growth of their
colleagues” Calvert (1026:4). This supports the notion of practitioner enquiry
being a professional learning activity where practitioners individually or
collaboratively engage in enquiry into their own practice and then share
findings locally or nationally. This has to be supported with structures of
intelligent accountabilities within a positive professional learning
environment that promotes a culture of continuous learning – life long learning.Teacher professionalism and teacher identity is underpinned by the work of Dewey who argues for a scholarly approach to teacher education. This incorporates reflective practice where each learning experience is connected and reflected on holistically. Professional learning which is invoked by intrinsic motivation is more powerful than professional learning which is fostered upon teachers as it supports intellectual stimulation and growth and supports the teachers learning journey. Teachers as learners, like children, need to feel secure in their environment and feel confident in supporting the life-long learner within them. Teachers need to be guided by their thirst for knowledge and desire to learn, but take cognisance of their moral responsibility and the social justice agenda within the accountability framework of the learning community.
Each teacher should be
supported to engage in appropriate, for them, professional learning in an
environment and with the resources that supports their teacher journey. Sometimes
that professional learning can be uncomfortable as we are programmed to ‘make
sense of the world’ and sometimes professional learning disrupts our thinking.
Teacher learning should be an active experience, typified by professional discussions
and activities which involves gaining professional skills, knowledge, abilities
through practitioner enquiry and professional learning.
Schools should try to
create opportunities for professional learning in an environment that
stimulates professional dialogue and encourages practitioner enquiry. Professional
dialogue is an intensely social activity and through the internalisation of
dialogue connections to ideas and thoughts ‘contributes to ‘sense making’ for
each individual. So, sharing through verbalising is powerful as teachers make
sense of their internal monologue and supports others to build on their
knowledge and understanding.
For teachers, this means participatory modes of professional learning,
creating a collaborative community of learners which involves all teachers within the community contributing what they
can to building knowledge for the shared benefit for all, in an environment
which celebrated difference.
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